Genre Research: Sci Fi

 Common camera angles and shots in Sci-Fi: Medium long shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up, wide angle, tracking angle, and high angle

Common Mis-En-Scene in Sci-Fi: Set in space, high tech computers, use of futuristic props, use of violent actions and gore including makeup, futuristic costumes, and strange alienist bodily movements.

Common edits in Sci-Fi: Use of VFX, increase of shutter speed, cool color tones, jump cuts and cross cuts

Common sounds used in Sci-Fi: Futuristic noises, lightsaber noises, strange alien noises, loud mechanical noises, and spaceship sounds.

Some common films in the Sci-Fi genre include: The Matrix, Star Wars, Men in Black, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, and Star Trek.

Some aspects of this genre that I like and would use are the use of futuristic looking props as I think it would look cool as well as advance and make our story a bit more interesting. I also like the use of futuristic sounds and think that it would be interesting to incorporate that into our project.

I do not like and would not like to include the classic Sci-Fi space theme and setting as I believe it would not match our main theme of a scary look and more haunting feeling.


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